There's people who don't get
well-done satire
and then there's Trump's almost satirical-seeming
misunderstanding of such
when on Monday
he retweeted an expletive-filled scene
from Curb Your Enthusiasm
in which Larry David
after almost hitting a motorcyclist with his car
puts on his MAGA hat
to de-escalate the situation.
The motorcyclist
seeing the hat
and believing the two
are politically kindred spirits
calms down and tells David
simply to be more careful next time.
Trump captioned the scene
with "Tough Guys for Trump."
But in an earlier scene
David uses the hat
as a "people repellent"
to get out of playing golf
with his manager
who doesn't want to be seen
with a Trump supporter
then wears it at a sushi bar
so he can enjoy a meal
by himself.
As for Trump supporters
who watch the show
David didn't care
too much about them
being alienated
by the episode
saying in an interview
(in almost haiku form)
“Alienate yourselves.
Go go and alienate.
You have my blessing.”
This poem © 2020 Emily Cooper.