Mitt Romney
(sounds vaguely familiar
but from where?)
today said on Fox News
that Congress
would quickly pass
a conservative version
of immigration reform
if Republicans took both houses
this Tuesday.
"You're going to see a bill
actually reach the desk
of the president
if we finally have someone
besides Harry Reid
sitting in the Senate."
Let it be said firstly
that the Senate
passed a sweeping and bipartisan
immigration bill in 2013
but the GOP-controlled House
refused to act on it
and secondly
while assuming
he must have passed the test
required of all
Fox News pundits and guests
(ripping up any advanced
Journalism degrees
and adding them to a heady mix
of that week's Democrat-proposed bills
MSNBC news clips
on good all-American
so-called "obsolete" Betamax
and photos of "happy"
Obamacare beneficiaries
which Headmistress Ann Coulter
then lights on fire
and shoots at
with a 50-caliber BMG rifle)
just who is that?
This poem © 2014 Emily Cooper.