After President Obama's
State of the Union address
the GOP has proven
that despite their majority in Congress
they are willing to cooperate wholeheartedly
to achieve a better future
for America as a whole.
They have completed their first item
on their agenda
which is to edit out
the parts of his speech
that criticize them
for example
for denying climate change
at 43:25.
They also skip another section
at 44:51
where Obama spoke of respecting
“human dignity”
prohibiting torture
and speaking out against anti-Semitism.
It's too early to accuse
anyone of intentional wrongdoing
or downplaying issues
Republicans would rather not address
or of unintentional support
of everything else Obama said.
(Luckily in the GOP rebuttal
Senator Joni Ernst of Iowa
said that "rather than
respond to a speech"
she wanted to
"talk about your priorities."
That's a big relief.)
This poem © 2015 Emily Cooper.