President Obama
plans to remove Cuba
from the State Department's list
of nations that sponsor terror.
For we shall no longer
base our national policy
on the cautionary tale
provided by The Simpsons
when Homer
(after providing false information
on his taxes
and hoping to stay
out of jail)
Mr. Burns and Smithers
are sent by the FBI
to try to obtain
a trillion-dollar bill
that Mr. Burns
didn't deliver to Europe
after World War II.
Mr. Burns debates
over whether to hand over
a trillion-dollar bill
to Fidel Castro
and Homer says
"Mr. Burns
I think we can trust
the President of Cuba"
who is begged
to give it back
but to the surprise of no one
asks "What bill?"
and the trio
end up taking a raft
back to the US.
And now
Republican Presidential hopeful
Marco Rubio
whose parents fled Cuba
(though well before Castro ruled)
will either have to stop
endorsing the US
in his speeches to Americans
as a concept
his party is willing to defend
(as we were all too willing
to negotiate)
or flee to a country
where political feuds
against perceived enemies never end.
If he were smart
he'd stay here
and try to one-up Hillary
on immigration.
Rumor has it
that in recent years
she's visited more than a handful
of foreign countries
under closely-guarded circumstances
(all endorsed
by the Obama administration).
This poem © 2015 Emily Cooper.