NASA scientists have "unearthed"
definitive signs
of liquid water on Mars
noting dark streaks
called "recurrent slope linae"
or RSLs
in photographs.
Though researchers have long known
that Mars has dry ice
in its polar ice caps
this find should fuel
(well at least
more-educated speculation
than even Futurama
could provide)
as to whether
we've got Martians
in our relative midst.
Since Jeb Bush
seems to think
that the Republican Party's message
to people of color
unlike the Democrats'
"isn't one of division
and 'Get in line
and we'll take care of you
with free stuff'"
(meaning "Give you some assistance
in acquiring food
and health care
to keep you from being hungry
and/or dying
from something
all but eradicated
in the rest
of the First World")
if NASA in ten years
holds a lottery
for laypeople
to spread Americanism
to the discovered lands
it would be unseemly
for the 2024 Republican candidate
to promote this heavily
to the base
by now hopelessly fractured
and consisting of everyone
who wasn't "priced out"
of the Grand Old Party
(so roughly 100 people
give or take)
as this would be
an undeserved handout.
(And what is love
but requiring them
to design and lift themselves
by their own space bootstraps
if they want so badly
to breathe
that space air?)
This poem © 2015 Emily Cooper.