Security researchers
have discovered
that more than 191 million
US voter records
containing voter names and addresses
voter ID numbers
phone numbers
birth dates
and political parties
are now visible
to the public.
Most states currently already allow
access to some of this information
as a matter
of public record
though in South Dakota
for example
access comes with stipulations
against selling the data.
The breach appears
to have been caused
by a third-party firm
that bought the data
from software company Nation Builder
owned by venture capitalist
Ben Horowitz
and Napster co-founder
and Facebook's first president
Sean Parker
then sold it
at a lower cost
to political campaigns.
Mama don't let
your voter records
grow up to be
data breaches.
(As if the emails
from the DNC
weren't incredibly personal
date invitations
from the president already.)
This poem © 2015 Emily Cooper.