When asked if they thought
Obama should be impeached
Fox devotees
cannot be tricked
into agreement
even with a super sexy
leading question
to guide them to the truth
like "Do you favor or oppose
impeaching President Obama
for exceeding his authority
under the Constitution
by failing to enforce some laws
and changing other laws
on his own
or for any other reason?".
Just thirty-six percent
of viewers said yes
they do favor impeachment.
Bias can come
from any direction
and polling that conforms
to the presumed narrative
is not really
what polling is about
if what you're after
is collection of raw data
that depicts human reality
in all its diversity.
So is Fox finally
starting to lose
the narrative war
as the demographic
clarifies its own opinions
on current events
or for any other reason?
Maybe no
or maybe yes.
This poem © 2014 Emily Cooper.