Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Aid Disaster

In this divided era
surely one thing
Republicans and Democrats in Congress
can agree on

is a $19 billion natural disaster aid package
benefiting several states
and Puerto Rico


Well House Republicans Thomas Massie from Kentucky
and Chip Roy from Texas

apparently don't like it
because it increases the national debt
and lacks the border operations funding
that Trump requested

despite approval
from the Senate
and Trump's own voice of support
and agreement to sign the bill.

When Trump

(after a fashion)

is in this particular case
behaving more morally
than you are

it's time to reconsider
what you're willing
to go into debt for

even if it's a silly thing
like helping people.

This poem © 2019 Emily Cooper.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019


What's the difference
between a dinner invitation

and a subpoena?

The answer?

You can't be impeached

for telling someone
they shouldn't go to dinner.

And it's rather ironic
for Republicans
like Rep. Doug Collins

to mock Democrats
for talking to empty chairs

when in fact
Republican Clint Eastwood

pioneered the art
back in 2012
at the RNC.

This poem © 2019 Emily Cooper.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Over and Over and Over With

The hashtag

is trending on Twitter

after the Democratic Coalition
tweeted it in response
to Graham urging

Donald Trump, Jr.
to "show up and plead the Fifth
and it’s over with."

In short

even after senators in their own party
take legal action against Jr.

prominent Republicans keep capitulating
to Trump and Family

(so what else is new)

and Graham's sense of rap timing
is really bad.

This poem © 2019 Emily Cooper.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019


You still needn't keep up
with the Kardashians

but Kim has helped to free 17 prisoners
in 90 days

as a funder of the Decarceration Project
a program which goes around the country
and asks judges to release inmates.

More than paying legal fees
she is also on the phone
as the clients

some who were imprisoned
hundreds of miles away
from their families

are told they are coming home.

She is also studying to become a lawyer.

In short

this currently mint-green-coiffed star
is more qualified to be president in 2020

than the blonde celebrity
who is currently president.

This poem © 2019 Emily Cooper.